
Crocodile Dundee




Advanced Fighter (75)

Intermediate Intellectual (50)

8 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipPride - AsexualUnderachieverThe Ooze ParticipantVolcano
Christmas 2019
07-10-2020, 10:29 AM
Thalia was almost frustratingly oblivious to Pestilence's wariness around her. She was just glad that the creature had stopped moving; she wanted nothing to do with taking a souvenir from it, though she watched curiously as the larger female inspected it. What she was much more interested in, though, was her name. Eligos had pushed to all of Aerie that they needed to learn more about the world around them so that they may figure out how they could integrate themselves into it. To no longer live in the shadows, she reminded herself. Though the stranger not introducing herself wouldn't be the end of the world, it would be quite disappointed.

What she didn't expect was that she might be a Abraxas. Well.. an Abraxas-Klein, whatever that meant. Thalia raised a single brow, quite intrigued but recognizing the other stranger's sudden hostility that she hadn't quite noticed before. "Interesting," was all she said at first, unsure how else to respond. While it didn't come as a complete surprise that there were other members of her family out there - not everyone had returned to them once the volcano had erupted, and she'd heard talk of wayward family members spreading their nonsense throughout the lands. Hadn't the wolf Malleus fought been one of those wolves? Apparently he was Pestilence's father too. Huh.. how interesting. She regretted not paying more attention to what had happened back then, but she'd been admittedly scared and unsure - her parents had left, her siblings had disappeared, and she'd been alone and uninterested in the affairs of the world.

But now? She was regretting that she didn't know more. "God was angered by both your father and my alpha," she spoke with cold certainty, without the hard edge of someone who was trying to convince another of their side of things. This was simply reality for her - she believed it with every fiber of her being, enough that she'd gladly lay her life down for those beliefs. There was no convincing her otherwise. "And so He punished all of us. Even those who have never spoken the Abraxas name." And here they were now, working to rebuild and move the Abraxas family in a new direction. No longer would they hide away, but instead they would thrive in a new light, unafraid.