
Seven days in the sun



3 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantGold Medal 2020
07-10-2020, 06:52 PM (This post was last modified: 07-10-2020, 06:53 PM by Askan.)
fight post 3/3

Okay, Askan was starting to think that maybe he'd bitten off more than he could chew. His mind raced as he struggled to come up with a solution, how he could back off without the cat wreaking revenge on him. If he didn't play this right he could easily lose an eye, or worse. He mentally slapped himself, wondering why he'd gone so far out of his way to prove a point. He supposed that he just wanted to put Acacia at east, thought that she deserved better than all this but look where his chivalry had gotten him.

He was losing his grip on the tail, his jaw straining as the cat wriggled and squirmed. Then it was gone and Askan was biting down on thin air as stray cat hairs littered his tongue. The cougar turned to him ready to wreak revenge- only to pause and go all wide eyed at the sound of thundering hooves. Askan stared, equally surprised as Acacia barged in on the confrontation, like she was some mighty fine warrior.

Askan watched, feeling awfully smug as the cat rushed off, it's mangled tail hanging limp as it went.

"And don't come back, you bastard!" Askan barked after it, his own tail arched high as it wagged in cocky, short sweeps.

He then turned to Acacia and his smile was wide and toothy.

"Not bad. Don't think they'll be bothering you ever again."

To anyone else he would have made a jabbing comment insinuating that they could've helped out sooner, but not her. If anything he felt proud of her, that she'd managed to push her fears aside and do what had to be done. Really though, he thought Acacia had been giving herself a tough time for no reason at all. Acting all tough might not have come naturally to her but she'd put on a mighty fine show, rearing up like that. And that neigh? Horses were more fierce than he'd first anticipated, good thing he hadn't made an enemy of one. Then he paused, his brows furrowing as he gave her a one over, just in case. She looked well enough, maybe a bit winded from the rush of it all but he knew that looks could be deceiving.

"You okay? Feel dizzy still?"

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