
Don't Be Afraid to Say Hi


03-16-2013, 11:44 AM (This post was last modified: 03-16-2013, 11:46 AM by Cherokee.)
He hadn't expected a response to have come so soon, thinking that perhaps this battlefield of sorts was empty. The multitude of scents cricrossing the bloodied landscape didn't allow the young man to be able to discern if a pack resided within the area or if a pack was here at all. He would have gone further into the battlegrounds, but his uncertainty about it being claimed or not kept him rooted to his spot. He didn't want to get into a fight for having crossed onto the wrong place without knowing. He would rather be safe than sorry.

It had seemed like he had barely ended his song when the response of another burst into the atmosphere in respone to his own. Audits pricked with attention, coming to the conclusion that the other wolf was a female, one perhaps like him. There was no hint of an alpha's tone in her call, but perhaps she did hold a rank were she a part of a pack? He supposed he would find out once she came. And he didn't have to wait long. Not long after her call rang out in response, the woman responsible for it came trotting from the treeline. Her azure gems flickered over his large mass, seeming to do a quick assesment as his own bi-colored gems roaming over her figure. She was beautiful. Cream fur and clay stain on her facade as well as her leg. Seems like he had lucked out, having such a beautiful woman come meet him on such ugly grounds.

As she approached closer, he could see the smile that curled her clay lips, a polite to show him she too meant no harm. She appeared to be younger than, but not by much. She carried herself regally and there was an aura of power that was subtle, but stll noticable. He face remained emotionless as she approached, her tail wagging gently behind her as she spoke. He wasn't surprised when her voice was just as beautiful as the dame herself. Ivory and onyx audits rotated forward to catch her words, a gentle nod being given to her first set of words, the tensing of his muscles disappearing, relief flooding his system, glad he hadn't overstepped any boundaries that could possibly bring out repurcussions. She continued on, introducing herself as Chrysanthe, wondering if he had was new to the lands Alacritis as she referred to them. He cleared his throat, speaking for the first time in a long while. Pleasure to meet you miss Chrysanthe, my name is Cherokee. I do happen to be new to these lands here and I was hoping I could be given some information about them.

He spoke quietly and to the point, giving her his name in return for hers. A beautiful woman with the voice of an angel and a name to match. Her coloring was odd that was what made her that much more attractive. Cherokee pushed his thoughts aside, dual-colored gems watching Chrysanthe as he waited for her to respond.