
as we collide


08-29-2013, 09:42 PM

((Vixe & Argent thread was before this, assuming he already told Argent about Azalea <3))

All the high ranking members of Glaciem had filed out one by one, from the overseer's to the assailant's and to be quite honest Vixe had felt worried. They were leaving pack lands pretty much unprotected so as they marched out behind their king Vixe cast an uncertain glance over his shoulder. And as they had carried on he had slowed, continuing to fall further and further behind until he had halted and was staring over his shoulder. A sharp feeling of dread had settled over him that he couldn't seem to shake, the feelings that something would happen to one of the female while all of their guardians were away. Or worse... What happened if one of them left? But his king had requested his presence and after a long moment he finally let out a heavy sigh, trying to expel the nerves beginning to coil within his stomach. It did little but he managed to turn himself around and start after the long gone figures that were probably already at the battlefield.

From the howl that echoed throughout the surrounding area he knew he was late but still the huge male move with a slow confidence. He didn't feel confident, didn't feel settled but he had learned to mask all those feelings behind a stoic wall from a young age. So as the male slid towards the gathering he let no emotion seep onto his features. Argent, Senoda, Isardis and Taurig were already here, the fight already underway. Sharp green eyes followed the quick movements of the two wolves at war as he moved towards Argent. She was pregnant... Her scent had changed since last they had met and immediately he moved towards her, feeling protective almost. She could take care of herself he had no doubt there but to risk the future of this pack was unthinkable. No... He would stick close to her and watch...

The nerves that had been gathering within him were not only because of his pack though. He knew who Azalea was, knew her rank and figured she would be one of the ones to attend the fight. He had been right... His eyes found her easily and his throat tightened. He had been able to keep his pack a secret thus far but she would know now and then he would probably never see her again. She wouldn't want to see him again. "That her... Azalea..." Words were soft, meant for Argent's ears alone as he waited for her voice to catch her attention before motioning towards the brown faced female standing on the opposing side. They might have to deal with that later but for now there was a fight to observe. And Vixe had no plan other then to stand, look intimidating and protect Argent and his king if needed. So he stood obediently beside Argent, expression watchful as his green gaze slid over each and every wolf present, ready if one moved.
