
Storm Lord


07-11-2020, 04:52 AM


Refilling his energy stores was necessary. So, as Goliath moved away from the beach, he cropped at various tussocks of grass. The stallion lifted his head as a bird squawked in alarm, whispy mane flowing with the action. Pale silver eyes fell upon a quickly approaching form. The creature was small, though it looked bigger than the coyotes that lived upon his former island home. Either way, he could tell by the pointed snout and the flash of teeth while the strange beast grinned that it was a predator.

Goliath stomped one massive hoof, pawing at the earth and pulling up grass and sand alike. Perhaps that would make the beast think twice about attacking him. The stallion knew that he could take the little canine with ease, but he didn't want to go through the effort if he didn't have to.

A small voice rang out and both dark ears flicked forward. It... wanted to watch him? That was strange. It was also strange that he could understand the creature. As it skidded to a halt, it seemed to realize his immense size. Goliath released a burst of air through wide nostrils. The now fearful creature was having second thoughts. It had given its name, however. and the behemoth was not without manners. Though an herbivore, the giant's voice was the deepest of growls, the tones pulled up from the depths of his wide, barrel chest. A thick, nordic accent laced his tones. "Goliath Ymir." A man of many words.