
Wishing well



Advanced Intellectual (95)

Master Fighter (250)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

8 Years

The Ooze ParticipantUnderachieverSnake EyesBeeventVolcanoChristmas 2019
07-11-2020, 11:12 AM
Now... this was quite a bit further north than she usually went. Caelia wasn't even sure she could remember the last time she'd traveled so far from home. She'd been much younger, that was certain. Rarely did she find reason to go far from home at all - finding a reason to stray far from lands she was familiar with would no doubt take some effort. It was hardly that she didn't want to see the world beyond her immediate surroundings, it was just that... well, she wasn't really sure. Her family was in Valhalla, and that mattered more to her than anything else in this world. Maybe a wiser wolf would want to be more well-traveled, and part of her knew that learning about the world beyond would be beneficial to her in the path she wanted to walk, but... Caelia wasn't quite sure where to begin.

Today she was merely going wherever her paws took her. How long she had been walking she wasn't quite sure, but the sun was beginning its descent in the sky and evening was rapidly approaching. The imminent arrival of nighttime told her she ought to seek shelter, and when she found a suspicious crack in the surface of the ground she couldn't help but think it was worth checking out.

Quickly she decided this was likely no place to settle down for the night. As she trekked down deeper into the cavern, she noticed something quite unusual - that instead of growing colder she was beginning to feel quite hot, unusually so. It wasn't much longer after that realization that she noticed an ebbing glow up ahead, and while she was quite wary of the unknown she was equally curious. And so she headed deeper down into the cave, wondering what she might find.