
Every Fire is a Lesson Learned



11 Years
Athena I
08-29-2013, 09:58 PM

Alena watched as Bane came over to curl up beside her, giving comforting licks to her neck. She leaned into his touch with a sigh, silently grateful that he was here. Whether she would admit it or not, she had developed a strange sort of liking for the gray brute and still appreciated his support in this process. Part of her wanted him to leave till it was over, not wanting him to see her weakened and in pain like this, but the other, louder voice in her head told her to keep in close just in case something went wrong. He was older than she was so perhaps he knew something of this.

She leaned her head on his shoulder briefly as she took in a deep breath, bracing herself against the next contraction. She could feel the next pup coming quickly and she tried her best to be ready, but she was still overwhelmed by the pain that overtook her as the gray pup slid into the open. She sighed heavily and turned to clean the next pup, this one a male. Her eyes flicked up to Bane as he came over to inspect it. He gave the little male the name Nako, and Alena gave a little nod of agreement. That was a lovely name for the gray pup. She lapped at him eagerly till his yelps found her ears as well and she guided the wriggling pup to her stomach as well.

She hoped she was doing everything correctly. All she knew was the awful pain that kept coming over her in waves. She rested her head back down against the ground, panting hard and squeezing her eyes shut. Alena had been through countless battles and attacks and injuries, but nothing compared to this. She let her instincts guide her, pushing out her third pup and wondering how many there were and how she would ever survive birthing them all. She gave a whimper and gritted her fangs once again as she welcomed her third pup.
