
Storm Lord


07-11-2020, 08:49 PM


By the gods... this small dog talked fast. Goliath furrowed his brow and was forced to replay her words in his head just so he could decipher her meaning. She was cataloging? What was cataloging? She said she was doing it to all the species that she saw and she had claimed that she wanted to watch him... so maybe cataloging was watching? The stallion shook his head and blinked. This was too much for him. He'd just nod in agreement til the little thing went away.

Goliath nodded as the dog named Meadow continued to speak. She was sorry that she startled him, eh? "Did not startle. Merely... didn't wish to kill you." He said it so nonchalantly. She didn't know that he could speak? Did various beasts not speak here? Back on his home island, most species could speak to one another. Often he heard of news from birds and beasts alike. Maybe it had been because there was no chance of him eating them. Who would want to talk to something that could eat them tomorrow?

Then Meadow asked what he was. The stallion snorted and gave his mane a shake. This was a strange land, for certain. "I am horse. Stallion. Storm Lord and ruler of the Russet Island." He arched one brow and gave a slight shrug. "Former ruler. Swam across the sea to be here. New land. New opportunity." He was intent on claiming this land and spreading his seed far and wide.