Second times the charm?
07-11-2020, 07:58 PM
As seemed to be the trend most days, when Kite was roused from his sleep by the gentle humming of Octave, he woke with a smile. It was a very pleasant way to start his days and he would openly admit that he'd developed a heavy level of fondness for the silent man. Blue eyes opened and a smile spread across Kite's little maw. "Good morning." As usual, Octave had risen before him. Kite was a sleeper. A dreamer. He liked to cling to his mental fantasies for as long as he could manage. It was easy when he was curled up against the big, warm body of Octave. Sleeping together had become so natural for him that he barely thought about it. They'd shared the same space for a season now. During the winter, Octave and Noko had allowed Kite to stay with them, for which he was eternally grateful. The pair had started to teach him various things about plants and their uses. For this, he was also grateful. They'd managed to identify one or two of the plants that had almost killed him. He still felt so stupid about all of that but... he hadn't died and he'd gained two new friends, so had it really been that bad? Shaking off sleep, Kite rubbed any sleep crusties from his eyes before bringing the teal depths up to smile into Octaves gaze. "What do you have planned for us today?" He knew that there was something in the pale mans mind simply by the look of intent upon his handsome features. He was coming to learn the quiet intricacies of Octave's mannerisms. Soon, he'd be able to read him as well as Noko. Okay... well maybe not as well. But... better than someone who had just met him? "Speech" |
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