
Seven days in the sun



3 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantGold Medal 2020
07-12-2020, 08:47 AM

Phew. Askan puffed out a long breath of relief when Acacia reassured him that she was fine, that she wouldn't be toppling over anytime soon. Just in case he gave her one last look, up then down, before he set the matter aside. Now that the dust was settling Askan took a moment to make sure that he hadn't hurt himself in the struggle. The only blood that he could smell wasn't his own, and having achy legs and jaw seemed par for the course, so he'd gotten away perfectly unscathed. That wasn't something to sneeze at. Giving himself a mental pat on the back, Askan glanced up when he noticed Acacia moving closing, dipping low to-


Askan coughed, his cheeks burning red beneath his fur as his eyes near bugged out of his head. He was a man, damn it! All macho with flowing testosterone and unwavering manly energy!  But in one fell swoop she had disarmed him with a simple touch, something so soft and affectionate he just didn't know how to react. Like she'd slammed on his brakes real hard and his mind was still lurching with the momentum. He stared up at her, dumbfounded as the cogs whirled behind his eyes, trying to put two and two together.  It'd been nice enough, he supposed, and he wouldn't mind at all if she wanted to praise him some more but...Well, it was uncharted territory for him, folks rarely offered him a smile let alone a crumb of affection.

"I-" Askan's brain hadn't yet restarted.  He then cleared his throat which seemed to do the trick and when he spoke his voice was much deeper than before. MANLY. "Well yeah, of course. Don't mention it." He puffed up, shoulders straight.
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