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The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Master Navigator (275)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

11 Years

Double MasterCritical Hit!WordyPride - Bisexual1KBeevent
Bronze Medal 2020
07-12-2020, 08:05 PM (This post was last modified: 08-19-2020, 02:24 PM by Tamsyn.)

The spring weather was in full swing and the mild weather had her in a particularly cheery mood. She was finally feeling like she was making a bit of progress with her position as General, but there was still a lot of work she could be doing. She wanted to do so much more, but for today she wanted to just enjoy this lovely weather and try to just relax for a moment. She left her bracers in her den and was laying on the bank of the river that ran near her home, letting the sun warm her dark fur. As much as she was enjoying the quiet and the sound of the running water, it certainly didn't keep her mind from wandering and whenever her mind wandered it always left her thinking about her work.

Relaxing on her own wasn't working at all. She needed company and there was really only one wolf that she ever wanted as company these days. She pulled herself to her paws and gave her coat a quick shake before she turned away from the water and started to make her way toward Resin's den. Ever since she got her new position she hadn't felt like she could really spare the time to do anything other than work for the pack, but that was something she wanted to change. She missed all the time she would spend with Resin when she first joined the Armada and before she really dove into her training.

Tam slowed to an easy walk once she got closer to Resin's den and she began to scan the area with her mint gaze for the scarred warrior that she had such a special affection for. She didn't see her right away, but she knew Resin was always out patrolling so she wasn't particularly surprised. She smiled a little and decided to settle on her stomach just outside her friend's den to wait for her, finding a soft patch of grass in the sunlight to rest in.

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