
Second times the charm?


07-13-2020, 12:53 AM

Octave prompted Kite to get up and the smaller man gave a little wiggle before doing so. He extracted his legs from the pile and stood, but as he did, he made sure to slide his muzzle beneath the pale chin of Octave in a gentle nuzzle. He enjoyed getting his friend a little frazzled and he definitely enjoyed touching him. The time that they'd spent together over the season had been some of the best time spent, as far as Kite was concerned. Though his companion was exceptionally quiet, Kite felt as though he was able to be himself around Octave. And he absolutely adored Noko. Speaking of... where was she?

Having risen from his place, the tiny sir followed the larger form of his friend out of the den. His minted eyes narrowed slightly as he spied the pile of herbs. After his near death experience, Kite still wasn't a fan of plants, but he was determined to learn them. Not only because it might save his life, but because learning the different herbs and things made Octave happy.  The gesture understood, Kite lay across from his pale teacher. Looking down upon the pile of plants, Kite's face lit up. "Oh, oh, I know this one." Reaching forward, his small paw tapped one of the round yellow flowers. "This is a dandelion. And this...." Staring at the other flower, he needed to sift through his mind for the name. "" Ears perked and he looked towards Octave for confirmation, minty eyes meeting purple.

There was another plant in the pile that he didn't know, although he felt like he should know it. Kite tapped the last plant and tried to recall a name, eyes squinting as he tried. Eventually he wrinkled his nose and shook his head, a sigh letting loose a moment later. "I don't remember this one." Hey, he was new to all of this. It would take him a few tries to get everything right and memorized. There were just so many damn plants in the world... Surely he'd learn them all in time.


WC- 349