
What can *you* offer *me*?



The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Master Navigator (275)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

11 Years

Double MasterCritical Hit!WordyPride - Bisexual1KBeevent
Bronze Medal 2020
07-14-2020, 04:23 PM

Even as the over confident young man considered her proposal and tried to keep up his bravado, she could see the slight deflation in his expression. Of course, she had no context of how much he had actually trained thus far or how many fights he had won or lost - she was only assessing what she saw in front of her right at this moment. If she was being honest if she did win their fight then she wasn't sure she'd have it in her to actually drag him in front of Zee to hold up her end of the bargain, but it had been enough of a threat to perhaps make him take this more seriously. At the very least he seemed to actually think about the deal before accepting it.

She also noticed how he made an effort to make it an actually even fight and for that she was impressed. If he had used all of the armor the had at his disposal she wouldn't have been surprised or bothered. After all, if this had been a fight in a raid or otherwise he would have been expected to use it. For the context of their "fair" fight though she appreciated it. A grin tugged at her lips when he said to prepare herself. Now that she was more comfortable on the battlefield fights were exciting and fun for her. No longer was she worried about how it might go or what she should do. She understood that there was always a chance of failure or wounds and that there was no need to be worried over it. Now she just focused on how she could improve herself from her last fight and how she could get better and better.

She shifted her stance into the widened, more stable stance that now felt more comfortable and natural than simply walking from the countless hours she had spent perfecting it. Her joints were slightly bent and muscles coiled, ready to dart one way or another to avoid his first wave of attacks. She knew all too well that she would have little chance overpowering a wolf this much larger than her so she leaned heavily on her lighter frame and more nimble speed to help her out. Azure threw himself into the fight, her mint gaze locked onto his left forelimb that came swinging through the air over her shoulders. She made a quick hop back and to her left to put her far enough out of range so that he wouldn't be able to get a full grip around her shoulders. Instead, his large, bear-like paw swatted at her right shoulder and left a series of shallow cuts in her skin and sent her stumbling another side step or two away from him. She was able to keep her balance so she wasn't knocked off her feet.

His right paw that had swung at her left leg missed it's target because of her new position, but she saw it as a small opening and she darted forward with outstretched jaws to catch his foreleg between her teeth near his ankle. She wasn't particularly concerned about getting around his bracer, she would be fine with biting into the feather decorated piece of armor - though she did make sure to bite in a way that would keep the blade hidden at the back of them away from her mouth. She wanted to keep his right paw from hitting the ground again and use the moment to pull him off balance, making a sharp tug with her head to hopefully upset his stance. If she did happen to catch the skin of his ankle or upper portion of his paw instead she would still do the same, though perhaps not bite quite as hard. She wanted to pull him off balance, but put him out of commission for some amount of days.

In the same motion, Tamsyn lifted her right paw - leaning her weight into her hind legs and left foreleg that was still firmly on the ground - and attempted to use it to shove him either in the chest or in the upper portion of his inner foreleg near his shoulder. She hoped the extra pressure from the shove would either help her knock him to the ground or at least push him away from her so she could reset for his next round of attacks.

Tamsyn vs Azure for Spar
Round 1/2
Age: Over 1 Year
Size: Medium
Build: Light
Defensive Battle Accessory: Bracers
Skills: Advanced Fighter & Advanced Navigator
Specialty: N/A

"Speech" Thought