
Every Fire is a Lesson Learned



7 Years
08-29-2013, 11:10 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

She had been trying to go about her business as usual, distracting herself with pointless wanderings and eventually making a quick trip across the pack's ranch-style territory in order to see if there might have been anything worthwhile lurking about the fields. But her thoughts were elsewhere, stuck back to that morning when Bane had instructed her to come looking for him after a time had passed. Tahlia had wanted to ignore the command entirely and travel with him the moment he left, but, assuming he might know more of what this pregnant female he intended to meet would tolerate more than she did, she accepted the direction though somewhat grudgingly. Despite pretending to be actually interested in what was around her, her ears continued to flicker, her golden gaze to wander distantly, feeling as if every second was taking an hour to pass and that time was testing her and actually at a standstill.

Barely halfway to the location she had been intending to go, the russet and black she-wolf abandoned her course and turned for the border, unable to wait any longer. Enough time had passed already, she assumed, and, to be honest, if she waited another moment longer she was sure to drive herself into a fit. The whole idea of it still made her rather uncomfortable. Bane had a female on the side pregnant with his children, though he professed up and down to having no claim to her. Tahlia tried to assure herself repeatedly that she had nothing to worry about, that Bane was truly hers only, but her jealousy was a creature all its own, ignorant of reason and proof to the contrary. In her eyes, the faster she reached him the longer he would remain hers.

Her paws moved swiftly as she trailed after his scent, following it clear outside of the Seracian territory and into the surrounding region, eventually following alongside the Rio Grande. This was unfamiliar territory to her, but her eyes continued to scan about in search of the familiar black and grey wolf rather than take in any of the lovely scenery. His scent was thankfully still prevalent alongside the river and beyond, leading up along the hillside where she was sure she had found him. From the opening of the large den as she slowed and approached quietly she could hear the faint sounds of the tiny lives nestled within, and ears perked she moved with careful steps to stand at its entryway and peer inside with a tentative air. "Bane?" she whispered into the den at the dark figure who rested against the side of the enclosed space, her golden eyes momentarily skirting beyond him in a swift glance at the mother wolf. Had she arrived too soon? Or, perhaps, too late?