
Seven days in the sun



3 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantGold Medal 2020
07-16-2020, 10:07 AM

Askan snorted in amusement. He wasn't one for banter but even he could see the humour in her words, it was catching like a winter cold and Askan found himself smiling just a little. There was something about Acacia that was homey and soft, like curling up in a den after a long days work. Perhaps it was due to the fact that she was a horse, a creature he'd never seen before let alone spoken to and that his lack of prejudices paved the way for something close to friendship. Or maybe she was just so nice that even he couldn't resist her sweet charms. Either way the Selwyn didn't care, she was safe and well and that's all that really mattered right now.

"Something like that, yeah." He said, though the thought of having to rescue damsels on a daily basis sounded awfully tiring. He'd make one acceptation, for her.

Instead she went onto ask if he wanted anything from her and Askan's head tipped a little in confusion. Did she think he'd protected her cause he wanted something in return? Other wolves might have taken this as a chance to get all self serving and selfish but Askan wanted nothing from no one. He didn't want or need handouts, no matter how well meaning, and he certainly didn't feel as though as Acacia owed him anything. He'd fought the cat cause he'd felt like it and that's all that needed to be said about it.

But despite all that there was one thing that he wouldn't mind...

"Start having a little more faith in yourself, that'd be a good place to start." That seemed like a reasonable enough request. "And maybe you could stick a bit closer to your man, just in case." At least then she'd have someone else to watch her back.

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