
Is it any wonder?



5 Years
Extra large
Chrono I

Samhain 2022Critical Fail!
07-16-2020, 10:57 AM

A chuckle to her mirrored response repeating his name. It was a bit unnerving to him that she couldn't see past his facade even if inside she could feel something was off about him.

His eyes came back to meet her form as she began speaking towards his questions, "Oh, a young pretty girl like you? All by yourself?" A sarcastic smirk as if to say he wasn't serious or making fun of her. Though inside was filled with sickening desire as their interaction continued. One could say a bit of a flirt but in reality his was shaking off his evil urges. "Simply astonishing."

He would walk forward without her as if to offer a walk in the swish of his head and tail. He'd stop by a nearby tree trunk to sniff the bark, the scent of the flower buds nearly disgusted him as it resembled to rose scent of his mother. A quick sneeze to rid the strong yet faint smell from his nose. "I was born in Auster, haven't been down that south recently." He wouldn't give her too much of his back story though honestly he wouldn't mind sharing if she asked him questions. He felt there was nothing to hide unlike his mother. He knew they were on the run from his father but he actually was unsure what the reasoning was behind the avoidance. "Do you come from Auster or somewhere else?" His face would turn again to meet hers, interested in her response or actions. He heard of wolves that came from other continents as his mother did, and he was always interested in learning the ways of other wolves and cultures.

Walk "Talk" Think

!Rated R! For language and sexual themes. Prone to violence.

(Kah-ef-kah Ah-brax-us)

Scent: Roses
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Season: Winter
Status: Single (Heterosexual)
Height: 40 inches
Home: Grapevine Cathedral
Maims: Sheath scarring, barely noticeable unless someone is actually looking there while he is belly-up

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