
Every Fire is a Lesson Learned



11 Years
Athena I
08-30-2013, 12:24 AM

The next two pups came quickly, barely giving her a chance to breathe. She had to shut out the outside world, only being able to think about the steady, rhythmic push and pull of her muscles and the pain that pulled her down. Breathe, pain, push. Breathe, pain, push. She struggled to pull herself up off the floor to clean up her third child, licking away the blood and coaxing breath into her son's lungs. "Calix," she said softly in the short break between contractions, guiding the black pup over to rest beside his siblings. The latest addition to her family was solid black, reminding her of her father. She gave each pup a small lick before she gasped at the next wave of contractions, making her ears flatten to her skull and her violet eyes close from pain again. "When is this going to end?" she thought tiredly.

She repeated the process all over again. She could tell that with each pup it was getting to be more and more of a struggle. The ivory fea let her body lay out on the cool den floor, panting hard as she struggled to keep air in her burning lungs. Her heart was racing she just wanted the agony to go away. She gathered up her strength and pushed her fourth pup free with a sharp whine. She blinked her eyes open and sighed with relief. Surely four was it, right? Surely she was done. She scrambled up to clean off the little white pup, its coloring almost exactly like her own with the exception of a black tip on its tail. She gave a tired, but satisfied, smile as the pup took in its first breath of air. "Lel," was her name for him, her voice soft. She finished cleaning her newest son and nudging him toward her stomach just in time to feel yet another contraction.

This newest wave of pain took her by surprise and she gasped, looking down at her side in exhausted bewilderment. "Another?!" she thought, whimpering weakly. She leaned back against the wall of the den, her shoulders and the back of her neck using the wall as support, but careful still to not disturb her already feeding children. She was afraid to lay down flat along the floor again, fearful that she wouldn't be able to get up again to clean off the last pup. She thought vaguely that she heard a voice calling Bane's name, but she paid it no mind. Alena was completely lost in the sea of pain and exhaustion and had no energy to give to greeting the intruder. She was sure Bane could handle whoever it was if there was really someone there and she wasn't imagining the voice. She stared blankly up at the ceiling, falling back into the rhythm of the birthing. Soon her fifth and last pup came into the world, making her heave a sigh of relief. She forced herself to stay awake as she pulled herself over to the little gray and black hued pup, the coloring reminding her of Bane's, so she could clean it and bring it over to her stomach as well. One last name to give for her second daughter. "Tocan," she said finally after a moment as she gave the little girl a tender lick and nudged her over to her stomach to eat.

It was over. Finally over. She had done it, given birth to five healthy pups. It was something she had never imagined she could have done on her own. She felt completely drained and was barely keeping herself conscious, but her family had made it safely into the world and that was all that she cared about right now. Alena laid down, content that her pups were safe in the circle of her legs. Her tired eyes glanced up to Bane, seeing the intruder she had heard before for the first time. It was a fea, one she had never laid eyes on before. She wondered if it was his mate. Alena gave a slight nod of greeting to the fea before curling around her pups protectively. She had always known that Bane wasn't hers. She had no hold on him, nor had she ever wanted to. There was no reason for the small spark of jealousy that lit in her mind. She pushed it away, ignoring the irrational thought completely. She had her pups. No one could take them away from her, not Bane, not his mate, not even Seracia. They were hers and she was theirs. Three boys and two girls. She sank into deep, dreamless sleep, ignoring their father and "stepmother" completely.
