
Is it any wonder?


"Helen of Koi"


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Halloween 2020 - Haunted House1KBeevent
07-17-2020, 04:49 PM (This post was last modified: 07-17-2020, 04:49 PM by Hanako.)
"Maybe." She was quick to agree, after all as strange as he was she wasn't opposed to meeting him again some day.

When he stopped walking Hanako kept on for a step or two before she realised she'd left him behind. With a graceful swish of her tail she turned, ears tipping forward in interest as she described Auster and it's seasons. She'd passed through warm climates before but as always had never stayed for long, in a way she was glad she hadn't as even with her pale fur it had been difficult to keep cool during the day. Not to mention the time she sunburned her nose, she'd never felt pain like that since and hoped that she never would. It had been beyond awful, and in typical dramatic fashion she'd moaned and cried as though she was dying, like her days on this earth were soon coming to a dreadful end.

Stuck in her reverie at first she didn't notice how Kefka's mood took a nose dive, like he was venturing into dark and untamed territory. But when she finally did her head titled a little to the side as her brows drew together in a concerned frown. By no means did she intend to pry but she couldn't help but wonder what thoughts bothered him so.

"It sounds interesting, maybe I'll see it for myself one day. Do you know about any interesting places here in Boreas though?" She figured he might since he was a loner and they tended to roam all about the place.
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