
Black gold

Nolan I


2 Years
Dire wolf
Athena I

07-19-2020, 01:07 PM

Her attentive listening and the smile she gave him helped to ease a lot of his nerves and anxiety. His rambling, eager speech didn't seem to bother her - if anything she seemed to be responding positively to it so it encouraged him to not try to pull himself back. It made a slightly relieved smile tug at his muzzle and made him happy that one of his few interactions outside of the pack was off to a good start. He had never thought of himself as a nervous guy, but he also realized that he had never really approached a stranger on his own before.

He was just as eager to hear her thoughts on the topic and his ears were perked forward to listen. It was nice to hear that he wasn't the only one that was surprised by this place with it's surprisingly dark sands. Even though he had recently made a pretty drastic move from where he was raised to living in Valhalla, he still hadn't seen that much of the world. Seeing this place did encourage him and give him a bit of inspiration. Maybe travel and exploration would be a more common thing in his life now - once he wasn't as worried about being him with his mother as much.

When she started to describe what her favorite place might look like he smiled and nodded in agreement. A calm lake with trees sounded like a great place to be. It would be peaceful and relaxing and he was sure somewhere like that would have plenty of options for food as well. His head tipped thoughtfully to the side and he hummed to himself as he tried to think through all of the places he had seen so far - which unfortunately wasn't many. He really didn't want to disappoint her and he wished he could automatically tell her yes and offer to show her, but he wasn't sure if he honestly could.

"There was a place similar to that where I was raised, but it's pretty far from here..." he mused. "It's not really a lake or a pond, but there is a place near the pack I live in that has lots of trees and it's more secluded than some other places I've been. It's kind of a wet land and has lots and lots of birds so if you like listening to birds sing then it's really nice to visit. I also heard there's a really pretty oasis in the desert on the other side of our territory that has a big, clear pool of water surrounded by palm trees that I've been wanting to visit! I haven't been in this continent all that long so I haven't gotten to explore much yet, but I'd really like to go see some more sights eventually. I've just been so busy taking care of my mother so I haven't had a lot of time yet."

"Speech" Thought