
Bison Brisket [Hunt Circle Bison Hunt]



Intermediate Fighter (55)

Intermediate Hunter (50)

5 Years
Extra large

Trick 2019
07-21-2020, 11:43 PM
Red had been reluctant to leave his new little family for any reason, but food was... kind of an important reason. When he wasn't doting on his wife and pups, he was working hard to provide the right sort of food to fill their bellies, and when he wasn't doing that he was covering both his normal sentry and patrol duties as well as helping to cover Aurielle's while she recovered. And in the sliver of time left over, he slept.

He had never been happier.

He was in the middle of one of those rare catnaps when his ears twitched on the sound of Cairo's voice, and he dragged himself into wakefulness to listen. Ah... a pack hunt. Good, good. Aurielle could use a good red-meat meal, the sort that they could only take down working together. And depending on the species they ended up going for, there could be any number of items of use other than the meat - he was hoping for good tough hide to roll up for the pups to teethe on, or soft spring antlers for the same purpose, but he could make use of any species for something.

He stretched and set out for the call. Upon reaching it, he saw Cairo waiting with a yearling girl and, in the distance, bison. His ears pricked with interest. Bison were dangerous game, but they were incredibly useful. He wouldn't get much in the way of material for teething puppies from one, but the horns alone were incredibly useful as storage containers for a variety of things.

He nodded easily at both Cairo and the girl, seating himself to wait, but didn't speak, though his sabretoothed jaws cracked open on a yawn. He was still just waking up, after all.