
Show me what you've got



The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Master Navigator (275)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

11 Years

Double MasterCritical Hit!WordyPride - Bisexual1KBeevent
Bronze Medal 2020
07-22-2020, 01:47 AM

Tamsyn felt her skull connect with the younger man's jaw, a bit of pain hitting her from the successful attack that she was sure would develop into a bit of a headache once this was all said and done. Either way, she was always pleased when one of her attacks landed successfully. He backed away so her paw missed its target entirely and ended up back on the ground in front of her. That was fine, she had wanted to put a bit of space between them and she had been successful one way or another. In the moments that it had taken her to reset her stance he had managed to get around to her side. She immediately curled her form to get her head around to his, but before her body could follow suit his paw went for her hind legs in an attempt to sweep them out from under her.

Since she was in the process of turning to face him again, the hind leg farthest from him escaped this sweeping motion, but his paw did manage to catch one and make her stumble. She staggered back a couple of steps and made sure to square herself with him again so that he was fully within view again. She was impressed by his focus and how quickly he had recovered, but she didn't have time to think about that right this moment. That was all things she could go over with him once this was all said and done.

The General didn't waste any time in launching her next attack. She wanted to really push him and see what he could do. This was all a test, but she still wanted him to do well. Tamsyn coiled muscles and leapt toward him to close the small gap that stood between them, angling the motion so she would hopefully be slightly to his right. In the same motion she tipped her muzzle up toward his neck, reaching with open jaws toward his throat - namely toward the upper part of his neck where his throat and jaw met. She wouldn't bite down very firmly if she was successful, she just wanted to see how he would respond to a direct attack on a place that if she was intending on doing real harm could be deadly. Not all fights would be practice spars and she wanted to make sure he knew that.

Tamsyn vs Dunkan for Spar
Round 2/3
Age: Over 1 year
Size: Medium
Build: Light
Defensive Battle Accessory: Bracers
Skills: Advanced Fighter & Advanced Navigator
Specialty: N/A

"Speech" Thought