
Rhyme x Samara Child!



3 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantGold Medal 2020
07-22-2020, 04:36 PM (This post was last modified: 07-22-2020, 05:37 PM by Askan.)
Name: I prefer Ruin, (can also go by Rue) as it suits my idea but Cadence works well when considering a more rhymey influence.
Sex: Female
Design: 13, aka pie mela 2 (absolutely gorgeous btw) - since she looks rather chimera-y I'll probs end up using a donation to cover her
Height/Build: 22" and light
Appearance: Simply put, Ruin looks as though she's a blend of two wolves, one dark and the other light. From far away it looks as though her front is solid black, but upon closer inspection it's easy to see the white dots that riddle her coat like stars in the night sky. On her chest, just below the line of her throat is a tuft of white fur that can be seen no matter what direction you look at her from. The same cannot be said for the markings on her face. Inherited from her father, Ruin has a streaky white marking that surrounds her left eye, which is accentuated by feathery lines that extend out onto her cheeks. Whilst her back end is a mix of grey and white that blends from her belly upwards, reminiscent of ocean waves.

Ruin isn't all dad though. Like her mother, she's small and slim, with a soft feathery tail that often hangs suspiciously limp, like she's trying to hide that she's up to no good. Her eyes, which are a soft blend of purply-blue, often shine with mirth and mischief, and are usually accompanied by devious smirk.

Basically, in Ruin's-not so humble- opinion she's the best looking of the litter.

Personality: Free spirit - Troublemaker- Cheeky - Devious
Simply put, Ruin is a bold and confident pup, saying whatever is on her mind regardless of the consequences. Whilst not inherently anti-social, she thrives on solitude and spends a great deal of her time exploring and getting into all sorts of trouble. She isn’t the sort who has any interest in doing things the old fashioned way, she's a free-thinker and does things her way or not at all. Or at least that's what she'd like to think.  Ruin quickly develops a taste for telling fibs-mostly- harmless little lies either for her own amusement or to manipulate others into doing her bidding. Or just because she wants to mess with people, it all very much depends on her mood. Sometimes she gets a little carried away and pushes her games too far, but once she's been caught-and only then- she'll apologise and try to make amends. She’s naughty and self-serving, there’s no denying that, but she isn’t that bad. Yet.

Skills: Fighting and intellect.
Plans: I'm a bit of a hoe for symbolism and with a dark coat like that really wanna explore how far she's willing to push her lies, whether she'll join the dark side and actually use them to hurt others or not. OR she might just remain a pesky little liar who just likes to mess with people. As for family stuff I feel like she'll lean more towards the Klien stuff, but is loyal- in her own way- to Abaven. She'll probably get a companion or two who'll unwillingly be her lackies, just cause its more fun to create chaos with friends! In terms of skills I think she'd specialise in Saboteur or maybe Tactician. Also I wanted to make the joke that lying might be her ruin.
[Image: dcn3i8m-9c82d108-20e7-4e4d-8c63-664fb310...DJDJeXfbOA]