
Acere kids for adoption [CLOSED]



6 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Halloween 2020 - Witches Hut
07-22-2020, 08:27 PM (This post was last modified: 07-27-2020, 09:27 PM by Actaea.)
OOC name; Bluetick
Pup’s Name; Arcticus (arctic in Latin) Praetor - Formally Whittaker
Gender; Male
Alignment; True Neutral
Measurements; height- 45", weight- around 170lb , build- Medium

Appearance; Adopt #5 on this sheet
As a pup he was nothing ore then a ball of white fluff and silvery grey markings. He started off as a large, round and chubby puppy. Large round paws that give away to his large stance he would gain with adulthood. He will be a lucky one that he will not experience the rapid growth stage some large pups experience. Instead his growth rate is even and he won't experience much pain and discomfort as he grows. As he grows in height and size, his markings will darken until they are a pretty coal black and charcoal grey color. The rest of his fur will remain a beautiful snow white color. Like his father he will have dark grey socks, the difference being they will only be on his front legs and won't cover the leg completely. Instead his socks go up about a quarter of the way before it breaks away and remains only on the back part of his legs. Dark chest with the very tips of his fur turning to the pretty black color. Grey tipped tail, ears, and even a few grey streaks within his neck and shoulder area. His ears rims are also a pretty black color. He also has black, thick tear like markings from his eyes Like his father his markings stand out against his snow white fur, but he does have more white on his fur then his father.

Like his parents he is suited for the north. Even as a pup you can tell he will have a nice thick coat that will be suited to keep him warm during the northern winters. Since he is whiter he also blends a bit better with the snow, he just has to be careful how it hides his front half of his body so that his dark markings do not stick out. It helps him to be better with ambush and to be better at hiding in the background in general. Being raised in the north will give him both the skill and the body to live there. As he grows he will be very intent on keeping himself moving, exercising, and keeping himself fit. He will become a medium built wolf, one that will be equally speedy and having some weight to throw around. This is how he wants it, to be as big and as good as his father is with fighting and he will strive for it.

His full adult height will be 45 inches and he will range closely around 170 lb depending on the time of year. The only difference is that he will physically look heavy built because his fur will become layered and thick. This helps him survive in the winter and also adds some more layers to his body to hopefully make it more difficult to access his more sensitive spots on his body. Lastly to this handsome boy is his eyes, the left being yellow and his right eye being bright blue

Scars- Four long gashes in his left rear flank given to him by a cougar.

Personality; Patient, tactful, observant, focused, resourceful, Adaptive, calculating, reliable
Much like the bloodline he comes from he is an adaptable creature throughout his life. He is mostly open minded when it comes to change and even if he’s not, he will figure out a way to adapt and adjust to new things. He tries not to dwell on negativity either, instead he is a man of hard work and keeping himself busy as much as he can. He will learn to think of out of the box ways of doing things and to use whatever he can to his advantage. The intelligence and drive he has will help him to be a resourceful creature which will also aid him in trying to be a problem solver. This resourcefulness gives him the love of crafting and creating things to aid himself and others. A man that you can rely on, especially if your a family or friends ack member. He will be more then willing to help others out and will always willingly do the orders he is given. He aims to please.

He will struggle quite a bit as a pup, but countless failures will lead him towards being a patient man. He will keep his emotions in check and learn to take things slow. Most of his patience will be learned from hunting, tracking, and observing his prey. He test himself consistently and learn that patience is the key to success. In the end it will give him the patience of a saint and the ability to not get worked up very easily. He will take things in, process, and proceed with things calmly so that he can stop himself from making too many mistakes. His patience also makes him be a very good observer which will also aid in his hunting techniques and even fighting. It’ll help him learn better so that he can be more tactful in his proceedings

He will like to plan out his moves and work through things mentally. He will be a man with the plan and sometimes this will also lead to testing his patience. He hates making mistakes and tries his hardest to think of possible mistakes he would make. He likes to calculate what he does in hopes that it will make him better in some way. He can’t simply go into something blindly, especially big things. Fighting can be the only exception, because he knows that others are unpredictable no matter how many of their fights you have watched. This calculating nature and the fact his mind is always going will lead him to being very focused in life.

Plans; we'd like to know what you want to do! doesn't have to be intricate. could be just their skillsets, interests, etc.
Skillsets- Hunting (main) & Fighting (secondary)
Interests- crafting (mostly clothing/armor, traps, and weapons), Hunting & tracking (loves to test his tracking ability), Studying prey & predator behavior,
Dislikes- Healing (he’s not good remembering Flora),
He will strive to be like his father in skills of fighting and hunting and will also look to become more talented in the crafting field. To him within the pack it wouldn’t matter where he would be placed, he will strive to do his best anywhere. He doesn’t feel like he is the leader type and will have no interest in being Heir, in fact he is a bit on the fearful side for leading the whole pack as a group, he will be able to lead small groups, but the pack in a whole he doesn’t think he could ever handle.

He had been the one to fallow his mother, unknowing as far as where she had went. No one knew that he went after her, not even did she know that one of her sons had fallowed her. For quite a long while (about 4-5 days) he had somehow managed to keep up with her fast pace. He was skilled enough (or lucky enough) to be able to stay on her trail, but then bad weather had hit. It had been a large blizzard and once again the snowy boy had been lucky enough to find shelter from the storm, hidden in a small cave (too small for any large predators). The storm had raged on for about 2 days before it had fully settled enough to go out, but even then the deep snow had proved to be rather hard to maneuver through. He also discovered that his mother's trail was completely lost and even attempting to backtrack he continued to come up empty. Being so young and underdeveloped in his personality Arcticus freaked out and began to cry out for his mother. This led to more bad luck on his part because his frantic cries attracted a predator. A large male cougar had heard him from afar and fallowed the sounds of the frantic pup. When he found the pup he attacked with a menacing yowl. Arcticus had been back near the small cave and when his eyes caught sight of the huge creature he managed to dart into the cave, but not without injury. The cat managed to gash open Arcticus' left flank as the boy retreated, making a rather deep and painful wound. Being to large to fit in the cave the hungry cougar made up it's mind to wait out the pup. Arcticus did what he could and cleaned his wound, but he was no healer and the bleeding didn't want to stop.

Soon his ears would hear a horrifying fight outside of the den, the cougar screaming and spitting. Peaking out from the den he saw a trio of wolves attacking the cougar. He watched the fight and the tactic each of them had, along with how the cougar fought back. When the fight ended, the cougar was dead and the boy gimped out of the cave to meet the wolves with his tail wagging. The wolves were nice and took him in, one carrying him by the scruff back to their family unit where the healer of the family took great care of him. The healer was a young wolf, but had wonderful skills in her trade and though the healing process had been a long one, she healed him and kept him well fed. The family unit was small, and made up of a total of 6 wolves. It had been a mother, father, and their four kids. Two of the kids had mates, all adult wolves to care and fuss over him while in recovery. The boy told them of what happened and how he was lost from his mother and didn't know how to return home to his pack. Once healed up the family unit began to move and they headed back in the direction of home. After a few days of travel the ended up near the borders of Winterfell and left Arcticus there to return to his family.

Boris the Boar and Lorenzo the opossum are assumed to be with her at all times.

Note: I do not have a reference of her scars yet, please refer to her appearance section of profile to read about them