
Carve your own path



7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterIce Bridge ExplorerMammoth HunterBeevent
1KCritical Hit!
07-23-2020, 01:48 AM

This had been a decision was one that he had debated for quite a while. He knew he wanted to join a pack again even though it could pull him away from his family. That was the only reason he had held off on fully committing to this for a while. As hard it was to accept that he was putting some distance between himself and his family, it was time for him to stand up for himself and to make his own path. He considered going to a pack like Valhalla or Lirm where he would still be around his distant Adravendi relatives, but... that didn't feel right either. So much of his time and heart and focus had been on his mother, his sister, his nieces for so long. For all of his life he had been a son, a brother, an uncle. Now it was time for him to just be Ulric.

He came to the Armada's border and stopped where the scent markers at the edge of the plains began. He had been here a few times before and had received help from their healers, been welcomed by Tamsyn and Banshee, fought a lion with Resin... He felt like if he was going to chose a pack that wasn't chosen because of family, this one would be an obvious choice. All of his interactions since returning to Boreas with his mother and Nausicaa had somehow led him here. He never wanted to assume that he would accepted into their ranks, but he was hopeful. He hoped that he could offer what skills he had and they could help him grow in return. He lifted his muzzle to let out a howl to call for their alpha, already curious to see what their response would be.

"Speech" Thought