
Bison Brisket [Hunt Circle Bison Hunt]

Nolan I


2 Years
Dire wolf
Athena I

07-23-2020, 02:05 AM

Nolan was pacing uneasily around the plains, mostly lost in thought. His mother had brought up the possibility of going north to check on Casso and to see Acere the night before, but he wasn't exactly pleased with the idea. It had kept him up a majority of the night and when he awoke early that morning he had quickly given up the idea of going back to sleep. The idea of taking his mother on any sort of long trip again seemed more dangerous to her health than it was worth, but he wasn't sure if he could prevent his headstrong mother from getting her way. He had seen first hand how hard the trip to Valhalla had been on her and now she wanted to go all the way to the north and back? He wasn't convinced.

His buddy's howl pulled his attention and after a beat of consideration he decided that a hunt would be the perfect way to distract himself. He gave himself a quick shake to get rid of any lingering stress in his shoulders before he took off in a quick trot to go meet up with Cairo and see who else had come to join him. He grinned when he got closer, seeing Red there along with Aslaug. He hadn't had a chance to say much to her since she, Daelos, Elba, and Ochre had come to join Valhalla, but he was thrilled to have more cousins here with him. He went over to her and gave her a friendly bump on her shoulder with his nose before giving Red a wide grin. He looked to Cairo then to wait for his best friend's plans for their hunt.

"Speech" Thought