
Cry Havoc




3 Years
Extra large

Critical Fail!Treat 2019Promptober 2019
07-23-2020, 06:16 AM

Aureus rose before the break of day to finish his journey home. He'd been out gathering odds and ends to work into gifts for Eliphas. He still had yet to convince the other man to live with him in Aerie, but perhaps if he created some lovely gifts from the plants and trees that grew there he could share some of that beauty with Eliphas.

Aureus' daydreams of his boyfriend shattered with the threatening call of a rival pack. His fur bristled and he slunk down low. Anger started boiling in his gut as he spied the wolves, more than half a dozen! Aerie was still small and young yet and he knew they were likely going to be outnumbered. Well, that was fine with him. If they wanted to play that game he was all to happy to oblige. As he'd been coming in from the northeast he was at the backside of the pack. His legs coiled beneath him as he watched in the early morning shadows. He picked a target, a young and impressively sized male with spurs and saber fangs and strange front paws. He was sandwiched on either side by other wolves, as well as in front. Perfect.

Adrenaline raced through him as he sprang forward from his hiding place, moving swiftly and silently. There was no need to call out. The invaders had announced their presence and he knew his pack mates would be there shortly. Let them stay together like frightened buffalo or scatter like sheep. Either way he would have blood.

Defenses set, ears pinned, tail tucked. Aureus shot forward, brazenly taking a flying leap into the mass of enemy, seeking to land across the back of the male. He hoped to squish the young leopard with his chest or else land chest to back with Azure. Aureus had spared enough with Kali to know how cat's loved to rake claws against delicate undersides and he hoped the close quarters would limit her movement. His jaws lanced forward seeking to catch the boy's left ear between his teeth so that he could sever the appendage with one quick snap. Simultaneously he sought to wrap his front limbs around the base of the boys neck, and his hind legs just in front of the boy's hips.

Behind him Kali leapt into action. The jaguar dove in low, a deadly shadow, his fangs bared as he sought to grasp the back of the boys right thigh.

Aureus Abraxas vs Azure for Maim (removal of left ear)
Round 1/2
Age: Over 1 Year
Size: Extra large
Build: Heavy
Offensive Battle Accessory: Teeth retainer
Defensive Battle Accessory: Studded leather armor
Companion 1: Jaguar, Male - Battle
Companion 2: Black-winged Kite, Male - Flying
Skills: Master Fighter & Master Intellectual
Specialty: Knight