
Fresh air(Hana)

set before the Raid againts Aerie


"Helen of Koi"


Beginner Hunter (0)

Master Navigator (245)

An icon representing the specialty Scout Scout

7 Years

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Halloween 2020 - Haunted House1KBeevent
07-23-2020, 10:45 AM
The way Hanako saw it, she wasn't a servant nor a slave. She'd never done a day of menial work in her life but she knew that if she lounged around, like a decadent goddess, it'd attract the wrong sort of attention. There was plenty of work to be done around here, she just needed to find something she was capable of doing. As if anything was ever as simple as that.  Deciding that she'd do a bit of sweeping in front of the cellar, as it sounded easy enough, she began to compile a bundle of sticks to form a makeshift broom. She'd never swept before either but she'd seen some lowly servant girl do it a castle once hard could it be? With sticks in mouth she went to the plain and pulled up a long strand of grass then used it to tie all the sticks together, nice and tight so none slipped free. And done!

Heading back to the communal area, Hanako started there with the intention of slowly working her way to the cellars entrance. Even at a glance she could see there was a lot of mess to clear, leaves, fallen branches and left over bones. She arched her neck this way and that, brushing back and forth in an attempt to sweep away the mess and debris. From the outside it looked easy enough but ouch, it was awfully uncomfortable and her neck quickly began to ache from the repetition.

Toshiro, who'd been watching her with an increasing sense of amusement, snorted at the sight of her. Meanie that he was, hmph!

With a grumble, Hanako got back to work, only to be distracted by the sight of a wolf crossing the clearing. He dipped down into the cellar but soon emerged with bunch of deer legs stuffed in his mouth. Looking for any excuse not to work, Hanako brought along her broom as she approached him, her tail wagging in slow, friendly sweeps. Reluctantly, Toshiro followed closely, hiding behind the fluff of her tail. Hanako spat out her broom so she could speak, it clattered to the ground beside her paws.

"Hi! I'm Hanako, I only joined the other day." She said, quick to answer the unspoken question that lingered in the air.
[Image: dfvjf24-4160f57c-3b2d-47de-b3e1-aa34987f...SqQlFNW-eM]