
Fresh air(Hana)

set before the Raid againts Aerie


"Helen of Koi"


Beginner Hunter (0)

Master Navigator (245)

An icon representing the specialty Scout Scout

7 Years

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Halloween 2020 - Haunted House1KBeevent
07-23-2020, 04:46 PM
Dunkan and Ursa. Hanako made note of those two names with a smile. She'd seen all sorts of cats before on her journeys but she'd never seen one quite so up close or with so many spots! He was a beautiful animal, soft yet fierce, and like Toshiro if he could speak then he chose not to. She looked to Duncan once again and took a moment to take in the sight of him, properly this time. He was tall, about the same height as her but far more heavy, stocky like he was made to fight. Azure and Sirius aside, she hadn't met any other Armada wolves yet but she sort of imagined that they all followed the same theme. Big and strong, armed to the teeth with weapons and big blustery fighting spirits. Nothing wrong with that of course but it wasn't exactly Hanako's scene either.

"This here is Toshiro, I call him Toshie sometimes...Which I probably shouldn't cause he doesn't seem to like it." She laughed, her eyes crinkling in amusement. Toshiro harrumphed and headbutted her shin, just so she knew how much he disapproved of the silly nickname.

At his question Hanako hummed in thought for a long moment before she responded.

"Mmm, for now I'm just a student but I'm thinking about what sort of goal I can work towards." She looked him up and down. "I assume you're a warrior, been in any cool fights lately?" That seemed like the easiest way to break the ice.

Though she was sure it wasn't personal, Dunkan seemed to be holding her at arms length, talking to her in the same way he would to a stranger. Which...they technically were, she supposed, but more than that they were also pack mates. Close to family, sort of. So wasn't it only natural for her to want to get to know him better?
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