
Systematic re-homing




8 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Trick 2019
07-23-2020, 08:57 PM (This post was last modified: 07-23-2020, 09:02 PM by Riva.)
Riva, who had long since learnt how to craft fire to her own purposes, was fiddling with an old artifact she had found in a long abandonment settlement on an island just off Borias. She had the idea that the metal case might hold fire, and she was crafting one that would expel a great deal of smoke. Little Deus was helping her, collecting the little pine needles and wood shavings she would need.

She had found the beehive just the other day, and had an idea to harvest the honey, and to safely relocate the hive further away from the den she, her mate, and pups lived in. her existence in Aerie still felt very strange to her. She had actually lived here once before, for a short period of time. When this territory had belonged to the Empire. She had discovered that the brute of a Warlord had taken a slave and was abusing him peeing on him, and decided this was not a place for her. She had stayed only long enough to see the small wolf free, and then left.

That she would find herself back here was strange, and the atmosphere of this new pack was better. She didn't think Eligos, who was gentle with her and the pups, would ever mistreat a wolf so.

She let little Deus to the tree. “Now. Wait here and watch, alright?” she instructed him. He was much too curious to have left behind. She knew that if she had, he would find himself here anyway. Better it be under her watch, when she can ensure he didn’t do anything too rash or foolish. Perhaps a sting or two would be good for him, teach him that curiosity was well and good, but prudence and knowledge should also be in his life.

She set up her little firemaker on a bed of stones under the beehive. Some of its occupants had already come out, curious, but not threatened. She was careful not to agitate them, and took a few steps back, waiting as her smoke began to work. “Now, gather them as they fall like I showed you, and stick them in the pack” she instructed her child, as the bees began to calm and sleep beneath the smoke.

w/c = 386