
Systematic re-homing




3 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipDouble Master1KAll Oozed OutThe Ooze Participant
The Ooze - Variation 3
07-23-2020, 09:14 PM (This post was last modified: 07-23-2020, 09:14 PM by Asmodeus.)
Asmodeus was thrilled about this new home, the new wolves who wandered within it's territory and those he could call family that weren't his mother, father or sister. It seemed like the wide world had opened up to him at last and there was never enough he could see or do. When his mom called him to join her on an adventure he did not hesitate to agree and was nearly bursting at the seems as he galloped along beside her. She'd explained the plan, but Deus wasn't really listening that well. What were they doing again? He kept his question to himself, not wanting to seem too scatterbrained on his first real adventure with her.

She instructed him to wait and watch first and that's what he did, though his bright blue eyes did stray off target more than once as she worked. By the time Riva was ready for him to collect the bees he'd nearly forgotten where he was and had to tear his eyes off the forest to focus back upon the hive. "Okay momma." Obediently he wandered towards the falling creatures, pushing his nose up close to give them a sniff.

Eyes widened and ears pulled back at the feeling and Asmodeus began to stagger backwards. The bee was gone, and something was in his nostril. The tickling feeling began to build and the pup did his best to hold it in, though quickly his body was overwhelmed with the unstoppable response to sneeze. It forced the creature from his nostril painfully and Deus let out a quiet whimper as he stared the moist bee down. There were too many unknown variables here, and now that he had been brutally attacked by the thing he had to figure out what other secrets it was keeping.

He crouched forward once more - glancing up at his mom to make sure she wasn't watching - and quickly bumped the bee with his nose this time without sniffing it. It shifted, it's wings fluttering, but didn't move much. He prodded at it again insistently, and the bug's legs suddenly grabbed onto his offending nose.

Startling the pup took a few steps away but the bee remained upon him. He stuck out his tongue, curling it inwards with the intent to prod it in the behind when suddenly a sharp painful sensation radiated from the tip of his tongue down into his gums.

Total Word Count: 784