
Systematic re-homing




8 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Trick 2019
07-23-2020, 09:29 PM (This post was last modified: 07-23-2020, 09:29 PM by Riva.)
Riva, who had begun to push a hollowed log a little further under the tree, was about to climb up it, when she looked over at her child. She bit back a laughter, though hre sides shook a little. He was looking down at a snot-covered bee, looking utterly perplexed. His little round cheeks were squished in thought, and she had to fight the desire to run over there and pinch them.

She dearly loved to cover her children in kisses. She had never thought she would have babies of her own, she had not realised how lonely she was in the world, until she met them. They were everything she had never known she wanted.

She fought the urge for a moment, and then continued up her make-shift ramp. He knew she would not appreciate his mother crashing his adventure. She stopped at the hive, and using her teeth, carefully pulled it down. The majority of the smoke was concentrated here, and she was careful not to breathe it in. The bee’s here were the calmest, and gave her no issue.

She lowered their home to the ground with care, and began to scoop out some of the honey. Before rehoming then, she intended to take a portion for her salves. It was a greater preserver, on top of the healing qualities it already had.

Scooping it carefully into one of her jars, she pulled out some of her aloe vera, and began to mix them together in a separate, smaller jar. She would be testing out this salve on burns and cuts later, to see how soothing it could be, and how much it increased the rate of healing. As she did so, she glanced up at her little one. “Deus, how’s it going over there?”

total word count: 1,084