
Systematic re-homing




3 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipDouble Master1KAll Oozed OutThe Ooze Participant
The Ooze - Variation 3
07-23-2020, 09:47 PM
The sharp stinging feeling was only growing more intense and it took everything Deus had to stop from crying out for help. It felt like when he'd accidentally bite his tongue during meals, but when happened the pain began to ease off almost immediately and did not grow and grow like it was now. He lifted a small paw, slapping it upon his tongue in anger and eventually smacking it down hard upon the tip of his nose where the bee sat. The pad of his paw came away in the same stinging, red hot pain and he cried out angrily in response. His mother's voice sounded from above in the tree and Deus blinked up at her. "Gwood." He mumbled, his swollen tongue stumbling over the sounds his mouth wanted to make. "M'mm uh-kay!"

Now it was personal, not only had the dreaded things assaulted his poor nose but now they'd taken away his power of speech and likely the ability to eat and drink too. It was not something Deus could ignore, and before he could talk himself out of it he'd pounced at the drowzy bees where they buzzed softly in the grass. That hurt too, even more then the first bite upon his pawpad had. He scampered backwards and showed his teeth to the bees before turning towards his mother's hollow log.

His paws were aching more and more the longer he waited so he had to hurry. Quickly he dug his teeth into where a branch hung from the log. His mom probably used it as a step, but this mission was miles more important then whatever she was doing with the bees house... unless she was setting it on fire. White brows scrunched in thought, but he doubted his mom would go so far as to leave the bees homeless. He continued to work his teeth into the branch and used his paws wherever necessary until finally the rotted stick snapped off and Asmodeus found himself wielding a deadly weapon.  

He stomped/limped back confidently to the puddle of bees, lifted his head back, and began to wail on them with the stick as hard as he could. "Mo! Mowr! Biths!" The boy punctuated each impact of the stick with badly muddled words and when he thought he was done, threw the rotted stick atop them.

"Muuum! It huwts." He placed his aching paws upon her log, sticking out his swollen tongue to display to her.

TWC: 1493