
Fort Ardent




3 Years

Valentines 2020
07-24-2020, 01:51 AM
Saren awoke sharply to the sound of a howl. It wasn’t a tone he was quite familiar with but he could tell what it meant and it wasn’t anything good. The pack was going to have to fight and when wolves fought that meant wounds. As a healer he always prepared for these days but he hadn’t yet been thrust into action like this. It would be a good chance for him to practice healing under pressure, he wasn’t the only healer in the pack anymore so at least the entire burden didn’t fall onto him. Riva joining the pack had been a welcome addition, he was always on the hunt for healers he could learn from. Her pups were cute as well, he enjoyed the presence of pups as it made the area a little bit more lively.

Saren began to gather the herbs he knew would be useful, still not having a bag to carry them in he carried them in his mouth as well as having Silph carry some. The tiny lemur had come in handy plenty of times since they had met.

He made his way to the area that would serve as the center of operations for the healers, he would defer to Riva on healing matters this day. Upon arriving he found her trying to make preparations with her pups, one of which seemed to want to play rather than sit still. He set his herbs down on the ground and directed his words at Riva “what can I do to help?” It would do no good to have the two of them doing separate things as opposed to cooperating. Glancing down at the pup he said “If you’re good and help your mom and I I’ll play with you later.” He stopped to think for a moment “If you’ll have me that is.” He smiled let out a small chuckle. If he got the pup on his side then the chances of them getting in the way later were at least lessened, plus he wouldn’t mind having some fun after the inevitable stress of healing.
[Image: dnxLkpo.png]