
To Play The Game

Rune I


5 Years
08-30-2013, 05:01 PM

Walk | "Talk" | Think

Though she gave no specifics, and particularly no pack name, Surreal seemed more than happy to express what she knew of her home lands, professing them to be large and plentiful and very fitting as a pack territory. At an earlier time he might have paid more attention, been more interested, but he was hardly in the mood for proper small talk, as much as he wanted to be. In the back of his mind weighed the lost territory, each mention that the grey female gave drawing his thoughts back to make comparisons between the two unrelated lands. Where might he take shelter now? Where would the rest of the pack be headed in the absence of a territory around which to gather? Was someone new already there, dirtying the place up with their foreign scent and changing what his home was supposed to be like?

Rune took a few seconds to close his frosty blue eyes and draw in a careful breath, feeling the mixture of loss and anger beginning to rise dangerously within himself. It would be no good for him to get upset over it; it was not like he could go marching over there right now to claim the place as his own. He was still very much naive in the ways of leadership, even naive in the ways of battle if it should come to that. He needed to take his time and only return when he felt prepared enough to face anything that might be waiting there for him.

He missed the question posed to him entirely and only half caught the answer Surreal gave in response to his own before he noticed the attention of his company to have shifted further down the shoreline. He spotted the bird as well, noting the curiosity and brazenness that it exuded as it dared to venture close, almost within range to be caught, before it spooked and took flight with a noisy call. Ears half folding themselves, he listened as Surreal remarked on the sea bird being a meal missed, though as she questioned whether he might have had the same intent he settled his gaze back upon her with a disinterested shrug. "Don't normally eat birds. Especially not annoying sea ones," he added, his gaze flickering away momentarily to watch as the gull rode across the marine air to settle itself somewhere further along the shoreline.

Distraction gone, he sought another in their conversation again, trying to recall what had already been said so that he could draw from it rather than spill about the troubles pertaining to Mount Volkan. Southwest... What territory sat over there? For a second he wished he had been able to make the diplomatic ventures for Morphine already, just to know better of how the territories neighbored each other. But another tidbit of information rose suddenly, a previous conversation that he had had picking itself up from his memory and with faint lines of similarity to what he could remember being told. "Valhalla? Is that where you're from?" The look he gave the girl sparked with sudden interest, wondering now if this might have been one of the wolves to share a home with his friend Alamea.