
Bye Bye Butterfree



2 Years

Christmas 2019
07-24-2020, 08:03 PM

"Wait!" As his brother turned and ran, shooting down Theory's suggestion completely, Beat took off after him, leaving Theory and Twig behind. Beat understood what Tempo was going through. More than anyone, he understood. He'd only recently begun to turn into a wolf again rather than a miserable wraith.

Long legs carried him quickly after Tempo. He was healthy now and his muscles pumped hard, letting him close the distance between them quickly. Tempo wasn't stopping and Beat had to do something. Putting on a burst of speed, the two-toned by leaped, front paws outstretched. He slammed into his brother, wrapping forelegs around him so that they could roll to a stop together.

In an instant, Beat was on his paws. He could feel the bumps and bruises from his tackle, but he paid them no mind. "Tempo...." He panted hard from the exertion. "I know what you're going through. I almost let it kill me." He had been nothing but skin and bones when he'd returned from the north where his curse had been frozen. "I left my curse in the north. It froze and died." Beat didn't move towards his already panicked sibling, but he leaned forward. "I just need you to know... that wherever you go... you'll never be alone. Even if we aren't together, I'm always with you."

Family was so important to Beat. If it wasn't, he never would have been so utterly broken. "You may not be able to believe it now, but you'll beat it. I know you will." Pale ears tucked against the boys skull. "Take all the time you need, just... don't forget me, okay?" Knowing that Tempo was uncomfortable with his current situation, Beat backed off a few steps before turning to go back to Theory and Beat. He felt defeated, but he knew that it was nothing next to what Tempo was feeling. He could only hold onto the hope that some day he would have his brother again.

"Chatting." & 'Thinking'

OOC-Powerplay permission previously granted.
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Aunt Twig may enter any of Beat's threads while he is underage.