
Saying Goodbye



11 Years

The Ooze Participant
08-30-2013, 06:33 PM

Erani noted his continuing respectful manners as he walked alongside her, his head low, attentive to her words. She could see the pride her words previously had given him, but there was no arrogance in that pride. And she sensed the heat rising in his face to her words now, before he replied. She smiled, listening to what he said, and the trailing off, seeing the distance in his eyes as his thoughts trailed. When he continued, her eyes twinkled softly. ?Well, had my birth pack not been wiped out, I would have become it?s Alpha, according to a source. The Alpha female, also my aunt, was barren, unable to bring heirs. My brother Cormalin had been chosen to become Beta and I was chosen to be trained as an Alpha, though I leaned toward my mother?s Craft. Still, I went through the rigorous training of a warrior, as all wolves in the pack were required, and the Alpha took me out to see the land, and to teach me the finer points of honor and leadership.?

Her gaze lifted to the sky, soft smile tugging on her muzzle. ?I think my birth Alpha would have liked you. You?re a promising young wolf, and it seems you might just have a big role to play in averting disaster, even at the cost of a father. The fact that you?d be willing to break that vow to protect your pack proves your potential.? She lowered her gaze to Taurig, studying the large male. Paws stopped and haunches settled into the snow. ?So, what do you think of Valhalla, from what all you've heard??