
Cry Havoc




6 Years
Dragon Mod

1KThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Critical Hit!Treat 2019
07-25-2020, 04:41 PM
The call of unfamiliars sounded in the air, and Zagan knew it was anything but friendly. The small pack was being invaded, and as he raced as fast as he could to meet the intruders, he wasn't fast enough. By the time he arrived, the few fighters that Aerie had were already engaged and Zagan was eager to fight and protect his home. Fucking mortal cowards! He screamed in his head as he watched half the opposition practically sitting around. After seeing that, he knew they had chosen Aerie knowing full well that they didn't have the numbers to match. Was this how mortal wolves operated? Using cheap tricks to secure their wins? Pathetic. And that, of course, was the only impression he had of the Armada now. Pathetic fucking cowards.

He zeroed in on the closest opponent to him, a large purple boy that would soon feel his wrath. At this point, the dark youth didn't care if he won or lost. What mattered was hurting one of the cowards as much as he possibly could. At least...that's what he swore the Abraxas god was whispering in his ear. Zagan rushed the boy, aiming to come in at the youth's left hip as he sought to throw the point of his right shoulder into the soft part of Indigo's abdomen and wind him. Simultaneously, his left paw sought to hook Indy's left hind leg and drag it towards him while he also aimed to bite down on Indigo's tail and break it as viciously as he could. His own defenses were in place as he sought to hurt the boy, tail tucked, ears pinned, hackles up and everything else that came instinctively.

Zagan Abraxas vs Indigo for Maim (Tail removal)
Round: 1/?
Age: over 1yr
Size: Large
Build: Heavy
Skills: Advanced Fighter & Beginner Hunter
Specialty: N/A