
From Time to Time



08-30-2013, 08:08 PM

Her body shook, paws twitched, a foreleg moved up to cover her face. Her nightmare would only get worse from that point on, the whines continuing, getting louder. Her ear would twitch at the sound of his voice but she wouldn't wake or react, still trapped in her dream. Her body would flinch at the feel of something nudging her shoulder, eyes snapping open, wide, head suddenly lifting. It took a few seconds before her vision cleared, hearing her name, grey orbs settling on Gerhardt who had made his way over to her. Brows came together in confusion, wondering why he was here until he said he was only dreaming...

Ears folded back on her head as she turned it away, a look of embarrassment washing over her. Her eyes had been watery from the nightmare, using a paw to wipe away a stray tear. Before she knew it the man had lain beside her, feeling the warmth of his body press and seep into her own, looking back to him at the touch on her shoulder. "So much for a peaceful night." The shewolf lowered her head, an embarrassed smile forming on her dark lips. "I'm sorry..." She apologized, sighing heavily as she lay her head on her paws.

"I... I will be fine now." She spoke softly, looking up to him apologetically. Lowering her head the shewolf would curl up in a ball, taking a deep breath before closing her eyes and trying to sleep again. This time she would try to not wake the man, force away the terrible thoughts before they could form new nightmares. When the two did finally get to that point of sleeping she moved over a bit, gently pressing her body into the man's.

-exit loccian-
