
Buzzing dangers, sweet rewards

Aslaug [spring skill prompt]



1 Year

07-26-2020, 12:57 AM

It felt like a lightbulb going off when her sister suggested that they might be able to make a layer of mud on themselves that would keep the bees from being able to sting them. "That's a great idea!" she insisted, her tail wagging enthusiastically behind her. She didn't really consider the fact that they'd have to wash themselves off after word or what they might do if they knocked the hive down and their plan didn't work, but none of that really phased the head strong girl. She was sure her mother would have a few choice words for them later - if she found out that was - but Elba wanted to get some of that honey so bad! She could think of so many things they could use it for in healing and it was probably just really tasty!

"There's a puddle over there we can make some mud in," she added, motioning with her muzzle to a small pool of water that was several feet back the way they came. She trotted toward the puddle without hesitation and started swirling the dirt just under the water's surface together with the liquid with one of her paws. Before long they had the whole puddle turned into a shallow pool of dark brown mud. She grinned like a pup that was about to do something that would get her in trouble later and then flopped down into the mud with a giggle, starting to roll in it till she was completely covered from head to toe. When she opened her green and blue eyes again they stood out like bright gems against the otherwise neutral background of brown that now surrounded them.

Now that they had their "armor" on, Elba looked back toward the beehive and assessed it for a moment. "Okay, here's what I think we should do... Lets find a couple branches that are long enough to reach up there and knock it down. Then as soon as it starts to fall we run back over here and hide in the puddle till they all disperse, okay? Anything you think we should do differently?"

Word count: 356
Total: 986/1500
