
So Help Me! So Help Me! And Scene!

Tyrian and Ásvor



10 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Pride - LesbianBeeventVolcano
07-26-2020, 09:46 AM
Tyrian seemed to care as much about Valdís's requests as she'd expected he would; which was, well, not much at all. He'd always been easygoing enough to trust they were making the right choices, as far as Ásvor had seen, and this situation apparently was no different... even if it regarded the fate of a child who was, by all intents and purposes, a stranger. The seriousness of the situation was hardly lost on her, but it didn't seem worth bringing up around their alpha and Úlfr either. Were she and Valdís ready for this, she wondered? She could only hope they'd be able to figure it out. Which... might be more difficult than she expected, based on how easily Úlfr seemed to believe Tyrian's story. She tried to refrain from cringing at the thought.

The joy written plainly on Valdís's face was enough to soothe any worries that might be threatening to crop up. Even Úlfr seemed happy, despite all the small child had gone through - so mirrored her future wife's grin with one of her own. "That sounds like a plan," she agreed easily. Suddenly, faced with the responsibility of raising a child properly, a wedding seemed like far less burdensome than she knew it could be. It'd be a simple affair anyway, nothing worth stressing over... but this? Ásvor just hoped Valdís knew what she was doing, because she sure didn't... oh well, surely they'd figure it out, one way or another.. right?

- exit Ásvor -