
Storm Lord


07-26-2020, 10:47 AM


Silver tipped ears perked as the woman gave compliments about his strength and power. Yes, yes. He was strong. He agreed with her completely. She had good sense to compliment him for the god that he was. The behemoth found himself posing as she spoke of him, one hoof raised, neck arched, mane blowing in the wind. He probably looked like a total, self absorbed jerk. And he was.

Meadow went on to wishing him well in his endeavors and the prodigious man nodded. "It will be so. I've a mind to take one of your packs under my wing until I learn this place." He didn't want to say that he was looking to join a pack, but instead the pack would be joining him. If all wolves were as pleasant as this tiny, excited thing before him, then it might be beneficial to both his status and his ego.

And then she began to erupt into a barrage of questions. That was fine. Goliath enjoyed talking about himself. How old? "Eight years." How long did horses live? "Over thirty years." What were those things? "Hooves." He lifted one of the massive appendages so that she might inspect it more easily.

It was his turn for questions. "Are there packs near here? Good, strong packs?" It wouldn't do to join a pack of weaklings. The titan needed to pit himself against the strongest if he was going to surpass them.