
Wishing well



2 Years

Critical Hit!
07-26-2020, 06:57 PM

She saw the woman turn, her eyes tracking the other wolf as she slowly made her way forward so the other might get a good view of both herself and Carlys. The greeting seemed surprised, but not unwelcoming which made Rhae confident that she had made the right choice in greeting her, a soft smile sliding across her maw as the question reached her ears. She shook her head. “I’m afraid I am not.” She explained once they were in earshot of each other, taking in the woman’s form now that they were closer… a lighter build than Rhaegara, meaning she was faster.

She’d been doing her best to analyze each and every wolf she had met since her spar with Cairo, never certain of when she’d need her skills once more. “It’s exciting; a light within a cave is a rare gift by the Gods. This place must be special.” She said, her fur bristling with excitement; the woman seemed hesitant, and Rhaegara noticed that the smile she carried did not necessarily reflect on the girl’s face. It was fair enough, Rhaegara herself was usually hesitant around strangers, seeking to know whether or not they were friend or foe before she showed any emotion, just the situation was too exciting for her.

“I’m Rhaegara, and this is Carlys.” She introduced herself and her companion who had fluttered off of Rhae’s shoulder and onto the ground next to her. “What do you think is causing the light?” She knew it was some kind of nature, likely one that she had not encountered before. She once heard a story of caves swallowing flame from the sun to allow light under darkness, but she had always assumed it to be a myth. Perhaps there was truth hidden in myths after all.

"Rhae"  "Carlys"