
Storm Lord



5 Years

Samhain 2022Critical Hit!Beevent1K
07-27-2020, 12:25 AM
When she compliments Goliath, the big stallion seems to strike a pose with his lifted leg and arched neck. Right then, the wind seems to work with the giant horse as it blows through his hair. Some might shake their heads or roll their eyes at such a display, but not Meadow. The small wolf eats it up, watching the way the behemoth seems to ooze strength and power. Rounded eyes watch with extreme fascination and her mouth drops open at the display. Even a “Wow” escapes without her noticing.

The way Goliath talks about taking one of the packs under his wing has Meadow’s head tilting slightly. She didn’t know that they needed to be taken under anyone’s wing. Wow, she really has a lot to learn. Goliath is so kind to offer to teach them too, he must be a very nice stallion. Maybe she could take him back to the Armada and present him to Sirius. That might go over exceptionally well, ‘Sirius I came home and look! A giant horse offered to take us under his wing! How awesome is that?’ Her smile brightens at the thought of doing something really spectacular for her pack.

The questions she fired at him are answered quickly. Eight years old and he can live to be over thirty? He is still young. Oh, his paws are called hooves and he is even nice enough to lift his leg so she can get a better look at the hoof. It seems to be flat on the bottom… interesting. When he asks her about packs nearby she nods absentmindedly as she continues to inspect the hoof. She tells him, “Oh yes, there are packs. I came across four or five in my travels. Not to mention my pack.” Looking up to his eyes she says proudly, “I am part of the Ashen Armada. We are a pack of warriors.” Puffing out her chest slightly, Meadow can’t help but proud of her family.

After a short pause she adds, “Although, I am not a fighter. I am one of the healers for the pack. Collecting herbs and taking care of the fighters, that is my job.” To Meadow, it is the most important job in the world and she loves it. Eyes brighten as she asks, “Would you like to meet my pack? I could take you there!” Traveling with a big strong stallion in unknown territory seems like a very smart idea. Goliath could fight off all the scary things and Meadow could tell him all her stories. An enormous smile breaks across her face at her own genius. Sometimes, Meadow is amazed at how just how smart she can be.


Avatar and Chibi by Half.A.Wyrm