
The Moons of Valhalla [Baine]



10 Years
Athena I
07-27-2020, 12:32 AM

Baine gave a small nod of understanding and sympathy as Aurielle spoke of her mother and the way she had been taken, physically and mentally, from them. She knew that there were sometimes forces that were beyond their control that sometimes pulled and swayed their fates, but she had full confidence in Aurielle to be a wonderful mother. Anyone that could start leading a pack this large so young and be doing well at it certainly had the strength being a mother required. "I'm sure you'll do all that and more," she insisted with a smile. "Just let them be themselves and support them whenever you can. And remember that you aren't doing it alone. You have Red and a whole pack worth of family that will be here to help - myself included." At least for as long as she was physically able.

Baine grinned and gave a bark of laughter when she heard how Regulus had taken the news that he was going to be a grandfather. Family had always been a huge part of their lives and she had never experienced a time when the announcement of a litter was met with anything but joy - with maybe the exception of Zuriel's children with Elias. Even then she didn't think it was the fact that she was pregnant that the rest of the family wasn't pleased with, it was only the fact that it was with Elias and how they came to be. All of that was in the past now though and she was still just as happy to have Daelos and Casso in their lives today. She wondered how the rest of those children were doing, but she wasn't sure if she'd ever find out.

"I'll certainly have to go find him and rib him a bit about being an old grandpa now," she told her niece with a giggle and a sparkle to her eye. She wished her body felt as youthful as her mind did. She would love to run around and play with those pups when they came. Now all she could hope was that they might want to sit with her and listen to stories or maybe have a little walk around the plains. "Thank you for coming to tell me, Aurielle. I'm very, very happy for you."

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