
Big dreams that take us far away

Sigrun & Sirius



The Hallows
High Councilor

Master Fighter (240)

Master Hunter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

11 Years
Dire wolf

LegendaryWealthySamhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
WordySilver Medal 2020Critical Hit!Critical Fail!Trick 2019Promptober 2019
07-27-2020, 03:45 PM (This post was last modified: 07-27-2020, 03:55 PM by Sirius.)

The Warlord led the party across the divide, and towards the border of the Ashen Armada. The two women were easy companions, giving no complaint on the journey. Mortis, somehow, still had energy to spare, and he sent his young boy on ahead when they arrived. Mortis could fetch them some food and coats from the pack’s underground storage, if he still needed an outlet for his energy.

The Fatalis wolf was some steps ahead when they arrived, and with a twitch of an ear, he chose not to hear the snark of the youngest wolf. He understood that she was young yet, and likely chafing at going back under the thumb of another. He would simply have to show Sigrun that the Armada could be an interesting place to live.

“Here we are.. The Ashen Armada. The pack you can scent adjoined to ours is the Ashen Empire. Our wolves are allowed on their land, and theirs on ours.” he had already told Sed how the Armada was a great ally of theirs.

He led them through the long grasses of his home, the greenery lush with the growth given from mountain ash. The volcano might have devastated when it erupted, but the aftermath had promoted growth. He led them towards the packs center, where the Obelisk engraved with the pack rules lay. The communal fire pit sat by, and a cluster of dens not far from that. The cellar doors lay open, and he could hear the sounds of Mortis moving within.


Ooc: Pack Map