
Sands of time




10 Years
Athena I
07-28-2020, 12:49 AM

Baine fidgeted nervously while she waited for Acere to arrive. She quickly shook out her fur a bit and tried to smooth it down a bit, letting her necklace settle neatly back in the center of her chest. At least in her eyes time and age hadn't been very kind to her, but she knew she was probably being overly critical of herself and a bit self conscious. When she made a quick glance toward her son over her shoulder she saw him eyeing her anxious pruning with a smirk and she shot him a quick glare before she turned her pale pink gaze back to the trees ahead of her. A smile tugged at her lips all the same though with an excitement that she couldn't quite explain.

Soon enough the figure that she remembered oh so well came into view and almost immediately a blush came to her cheeks and her tail began to wag gently behind her. It reminded her of the night they met and how instantly captivated she had been by him. He had seemed mysterious and strong with his demeanor and scars. Of course she had loved Thorben very much and had been happy to raise Nolan with him, but she had never quite forgotten Acere. She had thought that something would have changed with all the time that had passed, but it seemed like that wasn't the case. Her smile matched his and she knew there would be no hiding the flush in her cheeks that was surely showing through her pale fur.

"Acere..." she replied, almost at a complete loss for words with a smile that stretched from ear to ear. "It's good to see you too... It's been so long." She had tried to think of what she would say to him all the way here, but now none of it felt quite right. "Sorry for just showing up out of the blue... I just... After Casso said you were here I couldn't get the idea of coming to see you out of my head." If she was being honest she wasn't even sure what she was hoping to accomplish by coming here, but she was already glad that she had.

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