
Sands of time



Permanent Ghost

Master Fighter (275)

Master Intellectual (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

13+ Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantLegendaryDouble MasterVolcanoCritical Fail!Valentines 2020
Christmas 2019Treat 2019
07-28-2020, 01:39 AM

Despite all the time that passed and as old as the two of them were now, she still looked as beautiful as that night in the desert. She was a sweet and innocent creature last he remembered, but also someone with a good head on her shoulders if he remembered right. Back then he had been enthralled with the way the moon lit her up. And even now despite the lack of moonlight, she still looked as stunning and as vibrant as he remembered. Perhaps it was the nostalgia of seeing her again or the fact that his mind only remembered her that way, but whatever the case, he couldn't help but still feel enthralled by her. Even with all the time that passed since they last saw one another, it was almost as if they were picking up where they left off. Sort of. He was sure they had both been through a lot since they'd last seen one another. Him with his new scars, duties, and the children he was raising alone...hell, he had to admit to himself too that he was glad to have at least found some form of love. However fleeting it was. And while he didn't know all what she'd been up to, he hoped she had managed to find some happiness and love during her ventures, too. That's all he had hoped for her since she had gone her own way after Ruina's fall.

Of course, now that they were in each others presence again, he didn't miss the flush in her cheeks and he knew he had the same thing going on his own face. He only hoped it didn't show, though he'd deny any potential blushing she was doing and use the excuse that it was simply her albinism showing. "Acere..." He grinned when she said his name. The old, tired alpha as of late suddenly feeling years younger in her presence. How long had it been since he felt like a giddy teenager? With Heloise it had been different...that had been something unexpected. It wasn't like the sudden spark of interest and heat on his face like he felt the first time he met Baine. No...this one was different. At least, that's what he always thought considering at one point or another she always crossed his mind.

And now here she was again.

"Sorry for just showing up out of the blue... I just... After Casso said you were here I couldn't get the idea of coming to see you out of my head." He chuckled as he struggled to stop smiling, but the harder he tried, the bigger his smile got until he started feeling embarrassed and felt like he had to look at the ground for a moment. For the first time in a long time, he felt like a silly little pup. "It's quite alright," He looked at her again, taking a deep breath to calm his racing heart and mind. "Honestly, I was in the middle of packing up a few things in preparation to go visit you. I got your message from my nephew, so I felt like a visit was in order." But alas, she had beat him to it.

A bit of movement caught the corner of his eye and he couldn't help but glance up and past her, spotting the wolf that sat some distance away and seemingly watching her like a hawk. With amusement and a slight nod of his head towards the boy he asked, "Is that your bodyguard?"