
The places we never should have left


Permanent Ghost

Master Fighter (275)

Master Intellectual (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

13+ Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantLegendaryDouble MasterVolcanoCritical Fail!Valentines 2020
Christmas 2019Treat 2019
07-28-2020, 02:15 AM

"Raids are fine with me," Okay...good. He didn't think Casso would shy away from that sort of lifestyle, but he wouldn't blame him if he did. He knew not everyone liked the idea, but asides from doing it for the debt to the Band, any other raids would be for supplies to help them survive when things got scarce. "For what it's worth, I'm most comfortable with being a hunter, but I'm happy to help wherever I'm needed," He nodded in understanding, "Of course. If hunting is what you prefer, there are plenty of positions available. I don't think we have anyone currently in any true hunting position at the moment. Your half-brother Cloudburst was our lead hunter, but he he isn't here currently." At least, not yet, anyway. He wasn't sure which of his kids if any, were interested in pursuing hunting. And Cloudburst, would hopefully be returning soon. After all, it had been about a year since he and Dragon had gone to serve time in Hjarrandi in exchange for Kai's freedom. The only thing left was the last raid which was due to be done soon enough.

He was about to mention a potential rank for him, but then he noticed that Casso suddenly looked hesitant about something. Was he having second thoughts? No...that couldn't be it. He kept his mouth shut and waited a moment to see if his nephew would say anything, and he didn't have to wait long. "There's... There's one other thing I need to talk to you about," He tilted his head slightly, cocking an ear forward to listen to what his nephew had to say. "I've always been told that I should always have someone I can go to when I... panic. My mother was that wolf and then it was Baine after she passed." He watched as his nephew turned to look at the ground between them, the alpha's brows knitting together in concern as he continued to listen. "I don't want to force you to be that for me now, but I have to at least tell you since I won't be around her any more." Casso looked up again to meet his gaze, "I hear voices like my father did. I ignore them pretty well most days, but sometimes I slip. They send me into panic attacks. I've learned how to deal with it for the most part and know what herbs to keep around to help, but..."

Acere held his gaze as he confessed what was going on. "I see..." He didn't say anything for a long moment as he thought about it and processed what Casso told him. In the end, however, he wasn't surprised. He took a deep breath before speaking again, "It's nothing for you to be ashamed of, Casso. Unfortunately, it seems to be something that runs on the Praetor side of the family...what's important is you're learning how to deal with them, and that you've sought help in dealing with them." And for that, he was proud of him. Elias hadn't quite sought any help for his demons...and instead, fully believed and accepted them, thus allowing them to pretty much control who he was and in the end, Ace had no choice but to put an end to it before things got out of hand anymore than they already had. "You're not alone in that...your brother Cloudburst suffers with the same issue..." And recently...he noticed a change in Ignis, too. He wanted to refrain from telling Casso his suspicions about his crimson coated brother, but would it be wrong to keep that from him? They were family after all, and Ace wasn't even sure if Ignis was aware of it. That, or perhaps he was guessing wrong...but his crimson nephew had been incredibly reclusive as of late...and the times he did see him in passing, he seemed less...himself.

He took a deep breath and glanced up at the sky. He supposed these were all issues that were inevitable. Though not impossible to deal with. "I fear Ignis might be dealing with...something similar as well...though I am not completely certain. He hasn't quite been himself lately." He looked to Casso again, "I...suppose I mentioned this because I want you to know you are not alone in dealing with the voices. I've dealt with them nearly my entire life and managed to quell them. And I've lived and dealt with others that heard them, too. The worst thing I can do is turn you away because of something that isn't your fault, nor something that you have complete control over. Though I will tell you, it is possible to control it, if not eradicate them completely." Acere, of course, would help him and support him whenever possible.