
The places we never should have left



5 Years
Extra large
Athena I

07-28-2020, 04:09 AM

The silence that followed his confession felt like it drug on for ages. He knew that in reality it was maybe a few seconds, but it made the air around him feel heavy. When Acere began to speak and explain how it was something that ran in their family Casso felt the breath he had been holding pass his lips in a quiet sigh. At this point he wasn't sure if he could agree that it wasn't something he should be ashamed of, but he appreciated his uncle saying so all the same. He gave a small nod to the fact that he had been trying to get help. The way it had effected Elias and in turn effected the rest of their family had forced him to face his demons and decide if he was going to fall down that same path or if he was going to try to be different. Growing up with his mother and aunt had made that choice easier, but he sometimes wondered what would have happened to him if he hadn't left with them. If he had stayed behind in Ruina and hadn't had Zuriel's watchful healer eye on him... where would he be now?

He admittedly wasn’t very familiar with his half siblings, Cloudburst included, but he certainly didn’t enjoy hearing that anyone else was suffering the same fate that he was. This was especially true for Ignis. His fire red litter mate didn’t deserve this. Of course it sounded like this hadn’t been confirmed as of yet, but with the track record the men of their family had he wouldn’t be all that surprised.

What shocked him the most was the fact that Acere had managed to silence the voices in himself. For a moment Casso didn’t believe him since such a thing didn’t seem possible in his mind, but he also had no reason to think that his uncle was lying to him. It gave him a small sense of hope that perhaps he would one day be able to do the same. It felt like a distant figment of his imagination now, but he had time and now he had someone familiar with it all to help him.

”Thank you,” was all he could think to say after a moment. It was a lot to process and it wasn’t going to be something he fully grasped right in this moment. His head was swimming with all kinds of thoughts and possibilities for the future and he couldn’t quite pin any of them down. ”Maybe I can find a way to bring it up to Ignis... just to make sure he’s doing alright,” he offered thoughtfully after a moment.

"Speech" Thought