
Hello Echo

Happy Funtime



6 Years
Extra large
07-28-2020, 10:27 AM
Dammit. Now they were both tense. He could feel it as she lay there with him. Frankly, Sparhawk was shocked that Poem had such an effect on him. These days he was the king of control. Must have lost his crown somewhere in the cave while they were singing. That was the only explanation.

Poem sang along and Sparhawk continued to keep beat by tapping on her hip with one big paw. He couldn't help the instant grin that popped onto his features when she squeaked. Ah, it was time to lighten the mood. Rather than sing the next line, he joked with the woman. "You know I make this song up? You just sing 'Sparhawk is greatest. Sparhawk is best. Oh so handsome and stronk.'" Lips pulled back to flash a toothy smile. It was obvious that he was full of shit.

The man gave his head a shake and lightly extracted himself from their embrace. Sparhawk moved away to unroll a big grizzly fur that had been holding his supplies. He sat the various items aside, nonchalantly adding the bladder of mead to the pile. Sparhawk then spread the fur out on the ground over the lush moss. It would be a very comfortable bed, he thought.

"Comink, Miss Po-em?" Sparhawk patted the big fur as he moved to lay himself atop it. She would need sleep if she wanted to be alive in the morning. Had she drank the whole skin of mead... Well he'd stopped her from regretting the morning too much. Curling up on the fur, he waited to see if she would stay or go. While he waited, he continued humming the same song, amusement in his garnet gaze.
Sparhawk has a very heavy Russian accent. Forgive his bad grammar.
[Image: LQ5dpAT.gif]
Sparhawk <3 Poem